Basic information about magnet

 So let's first see what is magnet

Q-What is Magnet?
Ans-A magnet is a substance which attracts iron and some other Material and we will discuss all materials later on and magnet has some special property we will discuss every property but later on but in this blog only.

so now we all know what is magnet and now we will see types of magnet 
There are 2 types of magnet-

*Natural Magnet 

*Artificial Magnet

Natural Magnet-
As per the name it is made by nature and not made by humans and these magnet  have as less strength 
to attract magnetic substances.

Artificial Magnet-
Artificial Magnet are made by humans and are of iron and steel and it is more stronger than Natural Magnet and there are many Artificial Magnet for ex-

*U-shaped Magnet

*Horseshoe Magnet

*Circular Magnet

*Ring Magnet

*cylindrical Magnet

*Bar Magnet

Poles of magnet-

There are 2 poles each in every magnet -NORTH POLE AND SOUTH POLE

north and south pole are always opposite to each other as shown in this figure.

Here N represent North and S represent south...N and S not repel each other but n and n repel each other and s and s repel each other

In simpler words different poles attract to each other while same poles like North and North or South and South repels each other.

Properties of Magnet-
there are some properties  of magnet but not all  properties but some-

ferromagnetic-it is a basic mechanism in which some materials like iron and are attracted the magnet

Attractive Property – Magnet attracts ferromagnetic materials like iron, cobalt, and nickel.

Repulsive Properties – Like magnetic poles repel each other and unlike magnetic poles attract each other
Directive Property – A freely suspended magnet always points in a north-south direction.

These are some properties of magnet
Material used in Magnet-
There are some special Material used in magnet list is down below





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