Bulb-bulb is very common device almost all houses,hospital,school have it bulb glows or emit the light when the electric current passed through it
So now we all know what is bulb now let's talk about it's body structure
Body Structure of bulb-
Outer covering of a bulb is of glass. There are 2 thin wire present inside the glass bulb and those two thins wire are covered by filament.Filament is made of a special material known as tungsten.Tungsten is metal that does not melt in any temperature whether it 50 degree or 150 degree.
On passing electricity filament heats up and glows to give light. Filament is fixed between the 2 thin wire which provide support to it one wire is connected to metal case at base of the bulb second wire is connected to the metal tip which is in the center of bulb.
When will Bulb not glow-
The bulb will not glow when the path from which electric current is passed is broken or incomplete
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