what is electric circuits and its importance

electric circuits play a very important role electricity-

Electric circuits is a path which is along the electric currents can flow from positive to nagative terminal of an electric cell is called an Electric current

We will now see a very important thing without this won't be able to understand types of electric circuits 
and that is-

Electric circuits play a very important role electricity-

Electric circuits is a path which is along the electric currents can flow from positive to nagative terminal of an electric cell is called an Electric current

We will now see a very important thing without this won't be able to understand types of electric circuits 
and that is-
current is flow of electricity through a conducter.

note if you don't know conducter then 
The substance through which electricity easily are called conducter.

Electric circuits in Bulb

so now see types of electric circuits

*A circuit with no break or(continuous in simpler word)is called or a complete circuit.

here you see 2 wires red and blue red is positive and blue is nagative and both the wire is connected to the bulb that means this is closed circuit or completed circuits

* circuit which has a break(Discontinuous)in between is called an open circuit.

here you 2 wires red and blue red is positive and blue is nagative but this positive wire is connected to bulb while nagative wire is disconnected from the bulb and this nagative is open so it is known as open wire.

Electric circuit in torch

you all must have seen torch 
let us study it's internal connectivity.
A torch can have one or more cells inside it .These cells are connected with the bulb glows.when the switch is on the bulb glows.When the switch is off the bulb doesn't glow due to incomplete circuit.
